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    1. Marauder


      Hello, Found my way back here.
    2. Marauder


    3. Marauder

      First Stab

      Hear is one I did recently.
    4. Marauder

      First Stab

      Looks good!
    5. Marauder

      First Stab

      Thanks! It was a fun project, good luck on your three.:thumbsup:
    6. Marauder

      Guns with rails Y/N?

      Rails on Auto's Okay. Rails on Revolvers Reprehensible!
    7. Marauder


      Some resent buys.
    8. Marauder


      Here are a few knives I built from blade blanks.
    9. Marauder

      625JM or another Colt 1911 Wiley Clapp before the rush

      Try loosing the grip screw and see if the grip will move, there might be some play when loose. Then re tighten screw.
    10. Marauder

      Any revolver guys out there?

      Not alone! Not my cup of tea..
    11. Marauder

      625JM or another Colt 1911 Wiley Clapp before the rush

      I got some here,
    12. Marauder

      625JM or another Colt 1911 Wiley Clapp before the rush

      If you have a 1911 already, get the 625JM! Sweet shooter out of the box, come on you know you want one.
    13. Marauder

      Smith & Wesson .357 HELP!

      OP, If you give me the first three letters in the S/N Like, AAF,ABL,ADE,ADT,AEV,AHA,AHS,ALA I can give you production run month and year.
    14. Marauder

      First Stab

      Thanks! :thumbsup:
    15. Marauder

      First Stab

      Thanks! :thumbsup:
    16. Marauder

      Any revolver guys out there?

      Thank you! :D
    17. Marauder

      Any revolver guys out there?

      Thanks, It has a 6" barrel. It is a 1980 from my research, last of pined barrel.
    18. Marauder

      Any revolver guys out there?

      Yes there are some Revolver guys around. Here are my blued ones. 29 28 15 15 15 637 The rest are stainless steel
    19. Marauder

      First Stab

      I made a sheath to go with the knife, not bad for my first sheath but like everything in life practice is needed and I need to make a few more sheaths.
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