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    1. A

      A Huge Thanks for the Site Support Help

      Thanks for all you do and keeping the site running.
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      New To Silencers

      John. Yes, I used my IPhone and the Silencer Shop app to take a photo. I am not sure what other ways it can be done. I might suggest talking to the FFL that you are having it shipped to as they might be able to direct you to another way to get that done.
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      New To Silencers

      John, I am trying to remember the specific order. I think it went like this, ordered and paid for everything from Silencer Shop. During the time it took for Silencer Shop to ship to the FFL, I went in and did fingerprints and filled out personal info at the kiosk and used the app to upload...
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      New To Silencers

      Also, John. Forgot to answer your last question. Trust doesn't really do much if you are the only shooter. I added it so that if I ever want to lend it out to a friend I can easily add them without having to get them to sign anything like a normal trust. I looked at it as a small price to pay to...
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      New To Silencers

      John, I started the process all online via Silencer Shop and finished paperwork and fingerprints at the kiosk. There is an app for Silencer Shop so you can do a passport photo as well. Silencer Shop collected the tax stamp lumped together with everything so it was a one lump sum payment via...
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      New To Silencers

      I went with the Dead Air Mask 22 HD. I purchased it through Silencer Shop and had it shipped to Cindy's Hot Shots in Glen Burnie and they have a kiosk there. I purchased back in the end of July, check cashed from ATF beginning of September and it was out of jail at the end of February. I also...
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      Another 80% newbie thread

      I have yet to complete these but I did get a few of these matrix lowers I think brownells had them cheaper at one point but they are in stock at Matrix’s site. I researched them and heard nothing but good reviews.
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      Six thousand post karma

      I'm in. Thanks
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      Adjust current MDS Firearms Map?

      Much like others have posted, Dick's and Walmart I can find on google maps easily. Sometimes finding local firearms stores can be a pain so a less cluttered map would be more beneficial.
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      Christmas Karma!

      I'm in. Thanks for doing the Karma.
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      Recommend a cheap 22lr pistol

      I have the Ruger SR-22 and love it. I have never had an issue with it and it eats up all ammo.
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      Tyler Firearms is DA BOMB!

      Did they have more of the G2's? I have been looking at getting one but can never find them in MD and the cost to transfer just doesn't make it worth it.
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      IP Giveaway - QTY 2 - $50 Gift Cards

      I'm in to win
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      .22 LR Ammo

      Dicks Crofton Dicks in Crofton had 1400 round remington 22lr for 99.99 and 325 federal for 24.99 tonight
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      Someone kicked in my door last night

      I just bought the KUNA lights for my house. They are not perfect by any means but my plan for them was never to be perfect but more of a deterrent. They are a light with a camera and intercom build in that uses your existing wiring and a wireless router to set up. It has an alarm, prerecorded...
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      SB0947 - long gun private sale ban

      What are the dates that we can attend for these bills? I would like to get more involved in the process but I work 7 days a week so I want to plan ahead.
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      Armory in annapolis closing

      so true
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      Name your top 5 Calibers & Karma

      22lr, 12ga, 9mm, .223, 5.56
    19. A

      New idea for an AR15 pistol Here is just the upper for sale
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