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    1. C

      Where you can and can't wear and carry

      Unless you are LGBTQ
    2. C

      Why the silence?

      I think I have only one post to go before I can see WC!
    3. C

      Merry Christmas everyone!

      Merry Christmas! Looking forward to the new year when hindsight will truly be 2020!
    4. C

      Call to Flintlock

      This is my only flintlock. It’s an all original 1795 Harper’s Ferry made in 1809. It was probably used in the war or 1812. I hope to be able to buy more antique flintlocks in the future. I would love to add an original Pennsylvania long rifle to my collection some day.
    5. C

      gas cans and stabilizer

      I use Star Tron fuel stabilizer. I buy it at Jack’s Small Engines in Jarrettsville. I buy all of my equipment from Jack’s. They are a great shop with outstanding customer service.
    6. C

      gas cans and stabilizer

      I keep 50 gallons of gas in 5 gallon metal NATO cans and another 60 gallons in my boat. I have a transfer pump to access my boat’s gas incase of emergency. For gas I am storing, I buy only ethanol free gas and add stabilizer. Between my gas equipment and automobiles I keep at least 135...
    7. C

      Ebay $25 off anything >$25.01

      It worked for me this morning.
    8. C

      My Knife Collection...Post Yours

      Wow, fantastic collection! Your father’s knife is the best! Fabulous family heirloom!
    9. C

      Prepper Playlist

      Helter Skelter By the Beatles
    10. C

      Steam Locomotive : Best Family Experience

      Cass Senic Railroad in Pocahontas County West Virginia is the best. It’s a bit of a trek to get there, but well worth it! Cass is an authentic logging railroad with restored Shay steam engines. You can take the 1 1/2 hour train to Whitaker Station and back or the 4 1/2 hour round trip to Bald...
    11. C

      Patriot Picket: Gun Bill Day Monday Feb 25!

      Bel Air wheels up! “Shall not be infringed!”
    12. C

      PLEASE take 5 min to oppose House Bill 612 and Senate Bill 737

      Done, I sent the following e-mails: To My Esteemed Legislators, I am writing to ask that you reject House Bill 612 and Senate Bill 737. The bills are poorly written and unconstitutional. If they become law, the bills will only harm honest law abiding voters and do nothing to reduce crime...
    13. C

      Time to back up your keystrokes!!!

      My vacation day was just approved! I am only a low poster, but I will be there!
    14. C

      Sign the MSI petition

    15. C

      Is Now the Time to SBR your HBAR ARs?

      I believe all you would have to do is separate your hbar upper from the lower and you would be legal. It is only an hbar AR15 when they are mated together. The upper alone is not a firearm and the lower would be legal in other configurations. After we win the fight, they can reunite.
    16. C

      What obsolete cartridge/brass is high on your want list?

      1873 Winchester I have a 1873 Winchester production 1891 38-40. Very accurate, wonderful shooter.
    17. C

      Drill Press Recommendations Wanted

      I have a Walker Turner drill press that My father gave me. It was made in the 1940s. If you can find one, the quality far exceeds anything made today. They turn up on Craigs List occasionally. If you can find a Walker Turner you will not be disappointed. I believe the company was acquired by...
    18. C

      School me on Flintlock Rifles

      Thank you Brain. My wife and I have been collecting antiques from the 1700s and early 1800s for many years. I feel that it is more about stewardship than ownership when caring for these pieces of history. Hopefully our ancestors will still be enjoying them 200 years from now. The musket is...
    19. C

      School me on Flintlock Rifles

      George Washington selected Harpers Ferry Virginia, for the location of the Harpers Ferry National Armory. in 1799, construction began. Three years later they started production of muskets.
    20. C

      School me on Flintlock Rifles

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