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  • joro55 (+14 /0 /-0)
    I need a Shadow Systems OEM slide cover plate for a DR920, MR920 or XR920. Shadow Systems is currently out of stock. They will have some within the next month, but I am wanting to complete this build ASAP. It is Shadow Systems SKU: SG9C-04-15-BLK. A Glock one does not work on these even...
    joro55 (+14 /0 /-0)
    Was supposed to build my landscaper buddy a gaming system for his son for helping me with a large yard project. He did about $1000 worth of work for me, but then asked me a week later if he could just have $600 cash instead of me building the system. So, I have a few things that I bought before...
    1 watching
    joro55 (+14 /0 /-0)
    We were supposed to have a community yard sale, but canceled it for weather. A neighbor brought these by the previous week and asked if I wanted to sell them. He says that he doesn't need them back and I can do whatever I want with them. A mix from old to new... mostly new. All are complete...
    1 watching
    joro55 (+14 /0 /-0)
    Reaction score
    I recently made a trade and ended up with a bunch of defense 9mm. I decided to sell some of it. 150 HST 124 GR 100 SIG ELITE DEFENSE (V-CROWN) 124 GR 50 SPEER GOLD DOT 124 GR $190 firm.
    2 watching
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